I am an interdisciplinary scholar of media and culture with specializations in screenwriting and American film comedy. I am also a professional writer, musician and filmmaker with over thirteen years of experience teaching college courses in English and Film Studies.
Welcome to my electronic portfolio. Click on the links above for more.
Other links to my work:
Film Comedy and the American Dream (peer-reviewed monograph)
- also available in Paperback
Zach Sands (music) - stream my newest albums, Embers (2021) and Petrichor (2021)
American Film Comedy (an online course that I taught)
Mr Spectator (a series of articles that I wrote about media, culture, history and politics)
Borderland (a blog of my experiences as a Fulbright Scholar in Eastern Europe)
Zach-of-All-Trades (a personal blog that connects several of my interests and endeavors)
* I rarely use social media platforms, but you can still like me.